Integrated Business Experience (CERT)

The certificate provides students an entrepreneurial real-world learning opportunity. Students gain additional insight into business concepts by applying the material in a real-world environment and gaining insight into the integrated nature of business. The certificate focuses on learning to develop and operate a business. Student teams will operate their own company, obtain an actual bank loan, and sell their chosen products throughout the semester. The certificate provides an opportunity to practice business skills including communication, problem-solving, and leadership. Students learn what it takes for entrepreneurs to succeed while giving back through community service. 

Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Major / Total Credits
15 / 15
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

The United Prairie Bank Integrated Business Experience (IBE) allows students to combine a suite of required courses into a semester-long real-world entrepreneurial experience that gives them a head-start on their business careers. 

The IBE program focuses on the following:

  • learning to develop and operate a business
  • obtaining an actual bank loan
  • selling chosen products throughout the semester

IBE Certificate program policies:

  • The Certificate is open to all majors.
  • Students must be admitted to the University and have University and COB upper-division permission.
  • Students can transfer in ACCT 200. ACCT 200 is a prerequisite for FINA 362 and must be successfully completed before starting the IBE cohort classes. 

Learn more about the IBE and view student projects

Questions? Contact Dr. Kristin Scott 

Declare the certificate

Program Requirements

Major Common Core

The IBE cohort classes (FINA 362, MGMT 230, MRKT 210, and BUS 397) must all be taken concurrently in the same semester in a designated section for IBE students. Students must apply for the cohort classes. ACCT 200 is a prerequisite for FINA 362.

The accounting process, financial statement preparation, and analysis. Includes the accounting cycle, asset, liability, and equity accounting. Emphasis on the use of accounting data.

Prerequisites: MATH 112 or MATH 115or MATH 121 or MATH 130 or MATH 181

An introduction to finance relating to problems, methods, and policies in financing business enterprise.

Prerequisites: ACCT 200

This course examines basic management concepts and principles, their historical development, and their application to modern organizations. Topics covered include planning, organizing, decision making, leadership, control, and organizational change. In addition, the course includes an introduction to business ethics and social responsibility, human resource management, organizational design and organizational behavior.

Prerequisites: none

This course provides a basic understanding of marketing concepts with emphasis on the pricing, promotion, and distribution of need satisfying products and services in domestic and international markets. The format of the course consists of lectures, case discussions, application exercises, projects, exams, and in-class group assignments.

Prerequisites: none

Major Restricted Electives

Select 3 credits. CIS 499 is for MIS majors only.

BUS 397 provides students an entrepreneurial real-world learning opportunity. Students gain additional insight into business concepts by applying the material in a real-world environment and gaining insight into the integrated nature of business. The class focuses on learning to develop and operate a business entity. Student teams will operate their own company, obtain an actual bank loan, and sell their chosen products throughout the semester. The class provides an opportunity to practice business skills such as communication, problem-solving, and leadership. Students learn what it takes for entrepreneurs to succeed while giving back through community service.

Prerequisites: Must be admitted to a major.

Problems on an individual basis.

Prerequisites: none