College of Business | Ag
The Henze Ag Innovators program is a select group of Minnesota State University, Mankato students interested in exploring agribusiness and food careers as well as developing leadership skills. The program is both fall and spring semesters.
The Big Ideas Challenge is a new venture competition that encourages and celebrates students' innovative business ideas.
Creates scholarships and supports an annual lecture by food entrepreneurship experts. This includes executives within a broad range of food processing, retailing and wholesaling industries.
AgToday is an organization designed to promote the growth and awareness of economic vitality shaped by the opportunities within agriculture.
Agribusiness Law
Business/Operations Manager/Salesperson/Manager
Claims Processor/ Loan Officer
Data Analyst/Financial Analyst
Human Resource Management
Marketing/Public Relations
Markets Trader/International and Domestic
Supply Chain/Logistics
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Minnesota State Mankato, 3 Partners Receive $224,744 USDA Grant
University News | Ag | News Story
Don't look past business students when hiring for ag jobs
College of Business | Ag | Featured News | COB News
College of Business Invests in AgriBusiness Programs
College of Business | Management | Ag | entrepreneurship | College of Business News | Featured News
Dr. Shane Bowyer publishes Talent in the GreenSeam
College of Business | Management | Internships | Ag | entrepreneurship | College of Business News | Featured News | COB News
The AgriBusiness and Food Innovation Minor prepares individuals to work and innovate in agribusiness, food, and agriculturally-related businesses.
Ag in Action is a collaboration between Minnesota State University, Mankato, Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches’ Minnesota Venture Farms, My Place Mankato, and Model Citizen Farms, Paynesville to increase food, gardening and nutrition education for youth in underserved communitites.