Preparing for Meet the Firms

Whether your organization is a start-up or a global corporation employing over 10,000 workers, the need for acquiring skilled talent is always a priority. Meet the Firms offers organizations a unique opportunity to make personal connections with a large number of candidates. Make the most out of Meet the Firms by following these tips:

  • Be approachable and engaging
    • Get out from behind your table as much as possible
    • Leave your phone down, even if there is downtime
    • Dress to impress. You are the face of your company
    • Avoid eating at the booth. You can't discuss your company's job opportunities if your mouth is full
  • Marketing
    • Utilize campus advocates
    • Ensure that your booth stands out
    • Have enough business cards and/or marketing materials to pass out
    • Know what positions you are actively trying to fill
  • Understand your audience
    • Know how your company can benefit the student and how the student can benefit the company
    • Don't just recruit students; create a dialogue - ask their opinions, offer relevant advice, and more
    • Bring a campus alumnus whenever possible to personalize the experience for students