Look confident. It is expected to be anxious when networking, but the trick is to appear as if you're not. Look people in the eye when you speak, be secure in your delivery, and watch how often you use filler words such as "uh, um, ah," etc.
Prepare an introductory pitch about yourself and what you have to offer. For example:
"I grew up in Seattle, but moved here to attend university. I'm a junior this year with a major in accounting and a minor in communications. I know that accounting today is much more than numbers in a box so I felt my communications courses would prepare me for the demands of client service. I'm a member of student government, serving as co-chair of the community outreach committee, and in that role I've organized projects for the United Way and Habitat for Humanity. I've researched your company and I know that you offer the resources of a 'Big 4' with the personal touch of a smaller firm, and I believe that combination will give me the best opportunity to contribute and grow my career in the long run."
If you don't have a lot of work experience, talk about leadership roles, volunteer experiences, or interests/passions you have outside of the classroom that has taught you relevant and transferable skills
Bring targeted resumes for each employer for which you have an interest