New York Study Tour
College of Business|Real-World Experiences|Study Away and Abroad Opportunities
College of Business|Real-World Experiences|Study Away and Abroad Opportunities
From Wall Street and Broadway to behind the scenes business tours and meetings, this business focused study tour in New York City will give you hands-on experience and memories to last a life-time! Next trip 2025!
Arrive in New York City; Walking tour of New York Public Library, Grand Central Terminal, Times Square; Welcome Dinner
Walking tour of the Highline, Greenwich Village, Chelsea, China Town, SoHo, Little Italy; Broadway show
Walking tour of Central Park and Rockefeller Center; Metropolitan Museum of Art
Visit to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island; 911 Memorial and One World Observatory; Walking tour of Wall Street Area; Madison Square Garden
Company Visits #1 and #2; Broadway show
Company Visits #3 and #4; Farewell Dinner
Return to MSP
“This business focused study tour in New York City was hands down the best class I have taken at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Throughout the span of 7 days, we partook in behind the scenes business tours and saw all the Big Apple has to offer. The memories and real-world experiences throughout this trip are something I will take with me for a long time. Learning out of the classroom and in the real world, has been the most influential part of my college career so far.”
—Kayla Rogeberg - '20 Marketing