Welcome to Assistant Professor of Management- DQ Spencer
The College of Business communication team asked Professor Spencer a few questions.
What classes will you be teaching?
Principles of Management 230 Sections 01/03/04/05
How did you decide to study in your chosen area?
I am a College of Business Graduate with a passion for leadership, growth and development.
Why did you want to become a professor?
I am a life-long learner who has had the opportunity to experience post-secondary education on multiple platforms, online, in-person, asynchronous, synchronous, and hybrid. This experience increased my desire to give back to the community, students, and the body of knowledge in methods that can be received, attained, and appreciated.
Tell us a little bit about your professional experiences before coming to Mankato.
My background is in business and corporate experiences. I've been fortunate enough to apply my educational passion of Management and Human Resource Management toward my career. Working in HR for over 13 years ranging from private, public, corporate, large, small, and mid-size organizations. These experiences afforded me the ability to learn and grow both personally and professionally.
Describe your teaching style.
I practice an engaging and accessible teaching style that is applicable and current. I want to provide students information that is not only important for intellectually learning, but is applicable and allows students the ability to grow and practice in the career if they choose.
What most excites you about being a professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato?
I love knowing learners have the opportunity to grow and achieve goals while utilizing information they learned from Minnesota State University. I love the opportunity to provide relevant knowledge about experience that is also contextual to the course that learners can apply to professional and personal goals.
Anything else you would like us to know that doesn’t fall into your teaching role.
I love the challenges of learning and comprehending new technologies and practices. With the recent environment, everyone has modified some aspect of their lives from the previous norm. This has impacted not only our teaching but our learning styles. The more we learn how to involve these changes into our lives the more adaptable we will be.