Ann Kuzma, Professor of Marketing| Marketing & International Business Department Chair

Address: Morris Hall 150
Phone: 507-389-2318


  • Foundations of Business Concepts (MRKT 100)
  • Principles of Marketing (MRKT 210)
  • Consumer Behavior (MRKT 316)
  • Supply Chain Management (MRKT 341)
  • International Marketing (IBUS/MRKT 428)

Professional Excellence

  • Ph.D. (Marketing), Kent State University (Ohio). Minors in International Business and Logistics/Transportation.
  • Master of Business Administration (Marketing), Youngstown State University (Ohio).
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Retail Marketing). Youngstown State University (Ohio).


  • Scott, K., Meng, J., & Kuzma, A. (2024). The white picket fence: how Millennials and Baby Boomers view the American Dream. Young Consumers, publication date May 24, 2024.
  • Scott, K., Meng, J., & Kuzma, A. (2023). Changing Values Among Generations: Investigating the American Dream. American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators' Conference.
  • Elliott, K., Hall, M., Meng, J., & Kuzma, A. (2021). Self-Driving Vehicles: What Factors Will be Key for Consumer Adoption? Journal of Management and Marketing Research.
  • Kuzma, A., Kuzma, J., & Thiewes, H. (2016). Students Majoring in Business and Their Understanding of Their Student Debt. International Academic Conference in Business.
  • Kuzma, A., Kuzma, J.,& Thiewes, H. (2015). Business Student Attitudes, Experience, and Satisfaction with Online Courses. American Journal of Business Education, 8 (2).
  • Kuzma, A., Kuzma, J., & Thiewes, H. (2013). Student Perceptions of Traditional Versus Alternative Textbook Value. Journal of College Teaching and Learning.
  • Kuzma, A., Thiewes, H., & Kuzma, J. (2012). Contrasting Student Attitudes Toward Study Abroad Programs Among College of Business Majors. American Journal of Business Education, 5 (4).

Commitment to Student Success, Service and Outreach

  • Department Chairperson
  • College of Business Data Literacy and Utilization Coordinator
  • Minnesota State University Undergraduate Curriculum, Policy and Admissions Committee
  • Advisor to Beta Gamma Sigma, served as advisor to the Marketing Club and Advertising Club.
  • Presidential Scholar Interviewer
  • Served as Marketing Program Internship Director.
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